
I've got absolutely nothing to do for 2 weeks starting now, zsxohemgee. Hopefully I get a job downstairs at the Daily Market though, hopefully. I hate thinking of the prospect of having to study during the holidays, what a spoilsport please. But with Cindy gone for Singapore by Thursday and Max already gone for Gold Coast, I'm pretty much screwed, and lonely :( Max asked initially if I wanted to go to GC with them, but no money! Aaron's leaving for GC this Thursday too and he gave me the invitation as well, omg soverytempting SHOULD I GO?

Okay whatever Yuwen, you have no money so just shut up.

We were supposed to play mj till morning last night, but Cindy and I waved the white flag at 3. We were supposed to be at Aaron's house by now but ah, I'm feeling really lazy already :( The only happy thing to look forward to is swimming at Mervyn's place later, whoopiedoop!

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