
Considering the amount of food I've been stuffing myself with ever since the we-must-stay-up-till-the-dawn-breaks-when-we-study syndrome sank in, it seriously justifies no means or ends. I'm just getting fat and that's that. No matter what anyone says, I know I'm putting on massive lard load. So be kind and just tell me in my face that I've grown biggeeeer, I need the hard fact :(

Okay, time to hit the gym soon.

On another note, exams end on Thursday and we'll be heading down to Sydney on Friday morning! Vroomvroom Sydney, here we come :) I wonder how Cindy and I are gonna survive the trip there, seriously. Partying the night before's just gonna make us seriously car ill. We've made plans to take a window each and we hang our heads in preparation for mega Puke Fest while Kenneth drives. Good Lord.

And, Finance paper today was okaaaay, considering the fact that I only mugged one day for it cos I remembered the wrong examination date zzz, claps to me. Math1115 tomorrow, the tough job. I'll need more luck than I've ever considered myself getting. ZAC ZAC ZAC time to sleep gooooodnight fellows.

YJ's going back to Singapore on Thursday, I'm gonna miss her. Actually fuck it, I already do. Why can't I go back zzz. Hope you have loads of fun being back there honey, give me a number that I can contact you with, I'll still need you wherever you go. Let's chiong school in the mean time! Loveyousistarsistar

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