
Ah what's with me, I've been sleeping at rather unearthly hours recently! Worse thing is I'll get hungry but I cant eat cos F-A-T already. Seriously I'm tipping the scales, hovering at 50 already WHY WHY WHYYY. Yoga so much run so much also no use, okayokay let's not panic, diet plans diet plans!

Diet Plan 1: STOP EATING
Diet Plan 2: STOP EATING
Diet Plan 3: STOP EATING

Okay there, settled. At the same time, I'm gonna pia Yoga & running. Diet diet dieeeet ftw! 2 sessions of Bikram later should do the job yo!


Anonymous said...

u are really not fat la
just watch diet eat healthy exercise regularly sure -> sexy like hell


Anonymous said...

Hahahaha dont try and convince me otherwise, I'm really damn on about this! LOL

Anonymous said...

we shall see!
