
I think my Granny's really cute! Whenever any of her friends call, she'd tell them how pathetic she's feeling because she had fallen down a few days back. HAHA man she must have repeated how wrong everything was around four or five times, at the very least! She's so adorable. (:

You know, many a time, we fail to glance at our surroundings and acknowledge the people around us. In short, we take them for granted. Would you ever notice if someone goes missing? Yes of course you will, but the truth is-hardly instantly, probably only a while later. Have you ever then, appreciated the meer presence and company of a friend, but neglected the friendship of others? Again, inevitably always.

Yes this is Yuwen no.2 speaking, Yuwen no.1 fools around.

Back to the topic we go. Why do we allow such things to happen then? Truely, it's human nature. HAHAHAH okay now i'm not making any sense. This entry is crap. All I wanted to say, was that I just lost a cousin. Not a dear one, but nonetheless, we're fairly acquainted. He was a young man living for himself-introvert and distant from the world, relishing only the quiet moments in his own room. His death still remains a mystery even after 39hours from his death. Suicide or not, nobody knows, but himself. It's a really tragic thing, to part from this world, leaving nothing but a few broken hearts, and a few tear-streaked faces. Why can't we ever leave this world with happiness lingering on after our departure? This world would be a better place, definitely. Shouldn't our family and friends be jubilated at the very fact that when we die, heaven's our next and final destination? After all, it's THE destination. I'll make sure I write a will, where my happy streaks will be inherited by everybody I knew. (:

So long, farewell, I need to say Goodbye!

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