

Tomorrow, it shall be! Woohoo thank you Roxane for the lovely earrings! You're a sweet one. (: I'm so sorry for screaming no to the present at first okay. I don't know what came across me but I actually thought that you wanted to trick me into opening a box of dead roaches. Haha

Oh yes prelim results tomorrow too. Please, please give me less than 20pts! You know, I've heard about how students from neighbourhood schools get A1 for english as if it's totally normal? And look at sm, it's even impossible for us to get a B4 alright. It's so unfair. What's more, SM DOESN'T MODULATE A WEE BIT, or so I heard. Gah, we should burn the school down in response to that.

Chemistry Paper 1 was lousy, totally lousy. Not only me, but others too. Still, there goes my A1 into the gutter. Someone should do something badly, like, burn the records of the chemistry scores. I'll be unduly grateful for the rest of my life.

Our hands clasped tight-
the last time it'll ever be.

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