
' you dont know who i am <050605>

You know what? I'm THAT bored as to browse through prom dresses online NOW. Someone save me. This can't go on! Someone please date me hurhur. ROXANE! date me quick quick. Hahaha.

Ayee I can't wait for this coming sunday! The Potatohood and Sisterhood are going out for a chocolet buffet! Wait. It's not the Sisterhood and Potatohood anymore, but more of the Golden Rooster Maid Agency! Haha okaay whatever. See! I'm going bonkers. Yes anyhow, we're finally gonna be going on an outing as a whole since Lynn's FINALLY coming! Haha. Um except for the bimbos. They're gonna be missing in action. Miss them so. =/

Ok I was kidding. Those bimbos will just be plain irritants.

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