
Macs brekkie this morning totally made up for all that booze that made me gag last night (or rather this super-morning). Aaron's birthday surprise was well, a great one I must say. Happy Birthday fellow :) Wine, Vodka, Black Label and more wine just killed me in the stomach. Played some hilarious card game that just got us into drinking, drinking and more drinking action. Things like, "..okay now we're going to speak chinese throughout..", or "..nobody's supposed to say any pronouns..", or "..nobody says any vulgarities.." or "..we must say lj before we start saying anything..". So yeah, whoever breaks the rules drink up. I was the first to die out (as very expected), while the rest were still well must I say, standing strong, hahaha, damn it. Charles and Aaron got the toilet cards, but they fucking selfishly peed in the front yard instead so that we wouldnt get to pee in the toilet, very assholes those fellows. The whole night was a joke la please.

Worse was what happened before that. Max and I went to catch The Boy in Striped Pyjamas and Wolverine was to show after that, so we decided to sneak in without paying. What we least expected was that there were seat allocation for Wolverine, wtffff seriously, that rarely happens here I think. So we were happily sitting there smirking and thinking that we were so damnright smart, but not before long, some retard came and told us that we were sitting at their seats. Paisay ttm please, we were like "Eh we're here cos some other people took our seats too, but we've thrown our tickets away." It was bloody hell full house some more, like the huge cine theatre you know.

Shit it, hopefully nobody recognized us.
And, I found a very good laksa shop!!
Plus, I remember Tianyu poured water down my back when I was sloshed, I remember okay you shit.


Anonymous said...

foong, when can we ever catch up?:( -Jo'

Yu Wen said...

I called you a few times but you never picked up!!! imissyouuuuuuuu