
Arctic Monkeys - Bigger Boys and Stolen Sweethearts

so much has happened lately &i dont know how &where to start. seriously, i want to concentrate on nothing else but school &family for now, everything else can just honestly go to hell. call me soft-hearted or whatever, i'm finding myself giving in gradually.

on a happier note, i bought a new cheenapok tote bag &watched iceage2 with janice &rayson. what a stupidly comical show please, i'm getting my laughing wrinkles soon, ohmy. rayson got his green crumpler &ohman, i so want the red one! but i'm broke shit :( haha ate the cheese sausage from fareast too, HEAVENLY PLEASE :D

oh &school's funny today! we were sharing some ghost stories &as rayson's story reached the climax (something about the guy hiding under his bed &slowly lifting the bed cover thing up), ALFRED RAWRED SO LOUDLY THAT EVERYONE, I MEAN EVERYONE, JUMPED FROM THEIR SEATS OKAY. hahaha alfred's RAWR's really very scary okay, cheap thrill, we call it. hahaha JANICE IS SO TRAUMATISED BY IT NOW I SWEAR. she even got shocked by some scenes when we were watching ICEAGE2. yes ICEAGE2. super funny :D

lynette: right, but isn't "sitted" more suited in that context? haha, oh whatever.

li*: hahaha &his ears are getting whoa, bigger!

noel: what does coconut tree has to do with my head! rubbish you, hahaha.

alfred: goodness, you're damn evil! haha see told you to leave earlier right. AND YOU DIDNT WATCH ICEAGE2 WITH US pfft

xiaowei: i don't know haha, you &angelyn can go plan a gathering! miss you too:)

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