
town, dinner at nydc with potatoes and sisters!
harbourfront with co. + chongsheng and jolene
wensheu's house
watched countdown on teevee
nerve wrecking uno stackos
genderless pillow fights
crazy heart attacks
ploy strickened diadi
fanatic foam spraying
i turned into frosty, again (3rd time in records)
grace and shuang left
spastic farewell ceremony by daryl cunbin and ws
it was already 3am
east coast with CS and J
i stuck out like a sorethumb i swear
grace called, so we talked for an hour i think
haha i love this girl
watched the sunrise
ugly sunrise
finally home sweet home :D

haha i heart these people i tell you, they're the best things that can happen in my life! :)

hm school starts on tuesday, i so dread the idea of making new friends too, really. i'll miss kicking and smacking asses in st marg's. i'll probably get accused of molest if i do that in innova.

Oh anyway about frosty, the first time was when we were involved in the powder fight. The second was when cow gleefully dumped a plate of whipped cream on my face. Thanks ah. :))

HAPPY NEW YEAR ALL YOU NUTS! I dont encourage resolutions, seriously. I dont think they're helpful in any way, not like you'll actually keep to it. But, BUT if you really do, then congrats! :)

byebye :D

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