
So tomorrow's gonna be the last day of BTtwo &honestly speaking, I'm not in the least motivated enough to garner that C or B or A (okay this is hopeless) for Biology or Math & it's really mother depressing.

That's bigger than BTtwo & I know I'm going to own that.

Anyway, math tuition has been rather amusing with Mr Goh &Bong :) It's the little things we do to trick Mr Goh actually. Like how we called him once right before tuition started to tell him that we'd not be going just to piss him off, but we literally BANGED the door open &screamed SURPRISE, HAHAH you should have seen his shocked face! Totally screwed up. Plus how we kept knocking on the door once but didnt open it, hoping that Mr G would open it but he didnt. Thinking that we lost that trick, G was actually hiding behind the wall &this time, he boo-ed us so loudly, I think we felt wind in our faces I swear.

So last tuition, we tried something new! Bong &I planned to buy a rose, write a love note, &leave it at his door. But ohmygod we were damn stupid for this one. We didnt see G coming while we were writing our totally I-Love-You-And-I'll-Jump-Into-Longkang-For-You note, &we just screamed &jumped when we saw him, like literally please! Fucking stupid, that one. Hahahah.

Okay, enough of blogging, it's back to (try to) study now.
I miss Bong's ugly face!

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