That's how my hostel looks like! Gosh it's getting me all excited already :) They even have packages where I get to preorder what I want in my room (bedsheets, computer/lappie, handphones etc etc) & it'll be right there once I check in, how cool is that!
But ah, I still feel depressed now & then just thinking about leaving everything behind in Singapore where I really really call home. 2008's been a complete rollercoaster adventure for me please. From temp-ing at Maybank, to spending quality time with my friends & making new friends, it leaves me with greater despair to be leaving than I'd ever imagine cos 2008's been like a dream come true, seriously. &then there's Justin, thanks for making me the person that I am today :) Though we may not be on good terms now, I still wish that you be happy &that we'll be talking to each other again properly one fine day.
& goodbye to clubbing! I once said that partying's just a phase that I want to live through, & I sure did :) So now, I'm keeping to my promise & kissing Partying goodbye in the ass. No more calling me a Party Animal honeys! It's left me with good memories & great friends, that I'll never ever forget or give up :)

To Yingjing my honey/Party Queen/everything you ask for in a girlf, I've had so much fun with you you you, I'm not sure how 2009 will be like without you (like most of it la huh), but I'm sure 2009 will be great for us both! Through up&down, in&out, you've been there for me all the time. Hahaha ilubsxchoobitch, truly madly deeply :) (& THANKS FOR YOUR NY'S WISH FOR ME TO BE SKINNIER, FOR THAT I'M WISHING FOR YOU TO BE PRETTIER, though I know it'll be very apparent that it's impossible, not that you're pretty enough - which I know you'll say- but because your ugliness is beyond repair)

To Lulu/Amanda/Pearly/LQ, Party Queens too please! (Except for LQ) But your company throughout this year meant the most to me & I really enjoyed all the time spent with you lovelies. Continue to suffer in school while I have a month left to play woots! LOVELOVE

To Grace/Wensheu/Cunbin, WHAT MORE TO SAY BUT ILU, seriously we've been fwenxxx since forevaxxx & we never fail to have so much fun &laughter whenever we hang out. What to do, fwenx for life what teehee :)
To Jolene Koh, sorry I always owe you $$$ teehee, but you know I love you so much ah! All the bitching &shopping sessions, you've been an undying fan of my company I know hehehehe. I know 2008's been great for you, cos got HZ whatxx. Hahaha
To Enling/Grace, I've grown so much in the Lord due in part to your support this whole year. Thanks for everything, you girls have been such great gifts from Him to me :)

To ZY/CW, hello noobs I dont think you guys will read this but whatzeeheck, the end of 2008 wouldnt have been as fun if not for you guys!

To Yolanda/Janice, what more can I say, you girls have been one of the best things that has ever happened to me seriously. I miss laughing &talking so ever loudly with you both, to heck with passerbys giving us weird stares all the time! Hahahah, I can never have enough of you two bitches :)
HAPPY NEW YEAAAAR EVERYONE, may you be blessed with an abundance of love joy peace faith & hope in 2009!

PUT THE BLAME ON REVAN he came up with that sentence i swear :D
So did you have fun tonight? :)
thats a sekret i'll never tell! :)
lol. you guys been saying that you want to crash my lectures for awhile.
my school's starting on 13th jan.
choose a time from tues, wed and thurs!
HEY YUWEN ! where are you heading to for your studies ? hahaha
HEY YUWEN ! where are you heading to for your studies ? hahaha
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