Yup then we collected Daryl's(aka bimbo) bday agar agar cake from sam's mom and she drove us to amk ntuc. There we met Daryl! Yay haha uh and ya, we shopped for the remaining bbq stuffs.
After which, we stole the ntuc's freaking cheap one buck trolley and made our way to grace's house. That explains why ntuc's making a loss right hurhur.
Oh and we had a pool fight! Freaking funnyyy cos all we had were plastic cups and bottles and we just splashed water like nobody's business! Yeah and the guys attempted to dunk shuang, grace and i into the pool lol. It was so hilarious cos the guys didnt dare to touch shuang and they are scared of her!! Haha she's the lao(3) da(4) you see :D Uh and i got dunked a million times while sam got kicked a kazillion times. Haha and the guys started having some internal dispute and backstabbing and started pushing each other in the pool. Zi(4) xiang(1) chan(2) sha(1) you call it. Hahaha stupid okay, we girls just sat there watching their amusing acts. And my upper lip's bruised, much thanks to whoever who boxed me #%$ heeharhawww. =/
Uh and we had truth or dare after that, hahaha we always have fun during truth or dare.
(i) lynn hugged the pillar(actually she was supposed to do it seductively but she didnt ): )
(ii) Cunbin climbed the pillar when he was supposed to do a pillar dance
(iii) i kissed the shower thingy + told the security guard he was handsome
(iv) WS took a photo with shuang!! like omg, shuang could have killed him
(v) sam conversed with the security guard:
Sam: Uncle, I think you're very handsome
Security Guard: Oh haha really
Sam: Ay uncle, I am gay, you want or not?
SG: uh I'm not
Sam: Are you sure?!
SG: Yes I'm not
Sam: Very handsome leh, uncle!
HAHA WTF SO DAMN FUNNY PLEASE! Oh btw all these stupid acts were being filmed down, hahaha so moronic.
Okay that's it, pretty long entry huh. :D
And yay i'll be away in HK from the 15th to the 25th wheeee only my neighbour and I! Freak cool aye, think I'll meet up with Lyn there for shopping too! hurhur :D:D:D

HAHAHA THIS IS DUMB. Btw if you dont know what it is, the guys are actually doing peeing actions
white guy: daryl
red guy: samuel
yellow guy: cunbin
li*: you looked pretty la okaay :D
jo: hey that isn't the only song i'm living on! neeh
eric: haha where is it from? omg he looked so freaking hot please!
lynette: our debut album!! where where?!
mel: nehnehnipoopoooo :))
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