I've got a rather sad life, and nothing's gonna help, like seriously.
Nobody understands, it's scariest when my mind's a dead town.
What to do, I've chosen to walk this path alone.
May the monsters of the world leave me alone in peace,
I need some peace.
I'm going to fail my exams, ohno.
Retail therapy come my way please.
Mommy I want lots of money, wont you grant me heaps of cash?

Mervyn on Friday aftn: Let's go for dinner tgt, ask Kenneth along
Mervyn first minutes later: Let's go Sydney for dinner! We chiong there and chiong back, Veron and Hesheng coming along too.
Me: Wtf?
(And fyi, Sydney's 3h away from C.)
So Friday night saw us leaving Canberra for Batesman Bay for Seafood dinner, like wtf seriously? Hahaha, how random but damn fun chop stamp swear. One and a half hours drive down was sleep inducing but the excitement was not waning at all. Upon reaching, we had a mega huge ass seafood banquet consisting of lobsters, scallops, huge ass prawns, clams and whatnot,
The seafood was so fresh, I swear I could feel them swimming in my huge ass tummy. The restaurant owner was hilarious too, he couldnt stop hugging me and telling me that age is not important (he's 60 excuse me!). HAHA. He was really cordial though, he even treated us to a bottle of reds.
So as late as the night seemed, we trudged on to Wollongong which took another 2.5 hours. Sydney was slightly further away so we gave the idea up zzz, where's the spirit homies!? But ah, sleep inducing again esp after the huge ass dinner haha. Spent the night at Novotel there, cosy, lovely.
The morning saw us spending some time at the beachside feeding some good old bread to birds and some even huge ass birds (I cant remember what they're called, dont shoot me), but yeah, those really huge kinds you see in Jurong Bird Park with huge beaks and fat asses. Pictures up soon I hope, gotta wash the film of my Vivitar and scan them! So very exciting :D But yeah, breakfast and all, and a walk down the beach again. I've got this huge ass cut from falling on the rocks, suckerzxzx.
Shhhooooopppinnnnnnggg later on at Wollongong's Crown Street Mall omgomgomg, so much better than C's malls I swear! Hello Canberra Centre, you can seriously just go spontaneous combust yourself and seriously it wont make a difference here, even AMK Hub's more happening than you, suck balls.
Anw end story was I'm really tired and I didnt study at all, balls. Got my Math assignment to rush and Stats quiz which I'm still in the midst of doing zzzxzxzxzzzz, me is leading a terribly sad life. I want to go homeeeeeeeeeeee
ROADTRIP FTW. Oh and the roads in the mountains were really scary (think Initial D/Fast and Furious). There were no street lamps at all all the way (we were on the mountains most of the time) and those little towns really scream monsters and murderers, I swear at some point in time, I could visualize some huge ass furry ball charging to the car with a sawknife in hand. We even made it up to two mountain tops and we were breathing in clouds.
Okay whatever, we're safe, that's good. Balls to the small town murderers.
Mervyn first minutes later: Let's go Sydney for dinner! We chiong there and chiong back, Veron and Hesheng coming along too.
Me: Wtf?
(And fyi, Sydney's 3h away from C.)
So Friday night saw us leaving Canberra for Batesman Bay for Seafood dinner, like wtf seriously? Hahaha, how random but damn fun chop stamp swear. One and a half hours drive down was sleep inducing but the excitement was not waning at all. Upon reaching, we had a mega huge ass seafood banquet consisting of lobsters, scallops, huge ass prawns, clams and whatnot,
The seafood was so fresh, I swear I could feel them swimming in my huge ass tummy. The restaurant owner was hilarious too, he couldnt stop hugging me and telling me that age is not important (he's 60 excuse me!). HAHA. He was really cordial though, he even treated us to a bottle of reds.
So as late as the night seemed, we trudged on to Wollongong which took another 2.5 hours. Sydney was slightly further away so we gave the idea up zzz, where's the spirit homies!? But ah, sleep inducing again esp after the huge ass dinner haha. Spent the night at Novotel there, cosy, lovely.
The morning saw us spending some time at the beachside feeding some good old bread to birds and some even huge ass birds (I cant remember what they're called, dont shoot me), but yeah, those really huge kinds you see in Jurong Bird Park with huge beaks and fat asses. Pictures up soon I hope, gotta wash the film of my Vivitar and scan them! So very exciting :D But yeah, breakfast and all, and a walk down the beach again. I've got this huge ass cut from falling on the rocks, suckerzxzx.
Shhhooooopppinnnnnnggg later on at Wollongong's Crown Street Mall omgomgomg, so much better than C's malls I swear! Hello Canberra Centre, you can seriously just go spontaneous combust yourself and seriously it wont make a difference here, even AMK Hub's more happening than you, suck balls.
Anw end story was I'm really tired and I didnt study at all, balls. Got my Math assignment to rush and Stats quiz which I'm still in the midst of doing zzzxzxzxzzzz, me is leading a terribly sad life. I want to go homeeeeeeeeeeee
ROADTRIP FTW. Oh and the roads in the mountains were really scary (think Initial D/Fast and Furious). There were no street lamps at all all the way (we were on the mountains most of the time) and those little towns really scream monsters and murderers, I swear at some point in time, I could visualize some huge ass furry ball charging to the car with a sawknife in hand. We even made it up to two mountain tops and we were breathing in clouds.
Okay whatever, we're safe, that's good. Balls to the small town murderers.
I'm ohsoverybroke now! Ohemgee, it's gonna be Indomee Fest till the day I receive money again :( Pat's going to visit YJ again today, aiyoh mates, money fall from the sky for you two is it. Hahaha but I dont care, YJ you're so coming down again! For me ah for me, not your BFF, cos I swear my jealousy o-meter's gonna bust.
Diet ftw! And, L4D's very tempting but no way shit, studystudystudy FYW. And, must start to run big time already, I can foresee myself turning into Shrek soon.
Diet ftw! And, L4D's very tempting but no way shit, studystudystudy FYW. And, must start to run big time already, I can foresee myself turning into Shrek soon.
The Nanking Massacre issues' so annoying. Seriously Japan should just acknowledge it and teach their people to learn from history's mistakes, dont make the descendants battle out over such ignorance and just look at that dissent that's evergrowing seriously. Grow out of that kidssss, grow out of that denial.
And, I'm sosososo broke. Mommy, send moneeeeey to me quick :( And Happy Mother's Day! I've got a card for you you know! But I haven't had the time to send it out hahaha.
And yes S, very Happy Birthday, love you so :)
And, I'm sosososo broke. Mommy, send moneeeeey to me quick :( And Happy Mother's Day! I've got a card for you you know! But I haven't had the time to send it out hahaha.
And yes S, very Happy Birthday, love you so :)
Just caught House Bunny with Max, really freak show I love it so much. Was watching Deja Vu just the other day and some other shows on my own through the night. Max's ext harddrive's really evil.
And, Jolene Koh finally picked up my call just now!! But sorry missy, my talk time ran out so the line got cut zz. Will call you again :) And hello Yolanda Chin, I'm not sure if you're gonna read this but I really do miss you and Janice a lot. Please study hard for your exams and we'll skype soon enough okay :)
Alright, it's 237am and I haven't bathed. Gonna studyyyyy alright I'm so gross I know, so what I'm a rockstar. I CANT WAIT TO MEET MY DEAREST BFF. And that being said, I'm gonna miss some souls back here in C when I'm gone :(
And, Jolene Koh finally picked up my call just now!! But sorry missy, my talk time ran out so the line got cut zz. Will call you again :) And hello Yolanda Chin, I'm not sure if you're gonna read this but I really do miss you and Janice a lot. Please study hard for your exams and we'll skype soon enough okay :)
Alright, it's 237am and I haven't bathed. Gonna studyyyyy alright I'm so gross I know, so what I'm a rockstar. I CANT WAIT TO MEET MY DEAREST BFF. And that being said, I'm gonna miss some souls back here in C when I'm gone :(
Macs brekkie this morning totally made up for all that booze that made me gag last night (or rather this super-morning). Aaron's birthday surprise was well, a great one I must say. Happy Birthday fellow :) Wine, Vodka, Black Label and more wine just killed me in the stomach. Played some hilarious card game that just got us into drinking, drinking and more drinking action. Things like, "..okay now we're going to speak chinese throughout..", or "..nobody's supposed to say any pronouns..", or "..nobody says any vulgarities.." or "..we must say lj before we start saying anything..". So yeah, whoever breaks the rules drink up. I was the first to die out (as very expected), while the rest were still well must I say, standing strong, hahaha, damn it. Charles and Aaron got the toilet cards, but they fucking selfishly peed in the front yard instead so that we wouldnt get to pee in the toilet, very assholes those fellows. The whole night was a joke la please.
Worse was what happened before that. Max and I went to catch The Boy in Striped Pyjamas and Wolverine was to show after that, so we decided to sneak in without paying. What we least expected was that there were seat allocation for Wolverine, wtffff seriously, that rarely happens here I think. So we were happily sitting there smirking and thinking that we were so damnright smart, but not before long, some retard came and told us that we were sitting at their seats. Paisay ttm please, we were like "Eh we're here cos some other people took our seats too, but we've thrown our tickets away." It was bloody hell full house some more, like the huge cine theatre you know.
Shit it, hopefully nobody recognized us.
And, I found a very good laksa shop!!
Plus, I remember Tianyu poured water down my back when I was sloshed, I remember okay you shit.
Worse was what happened before that. Max and I went to catch The Boy in Striped Pyjamas and Wolverine was to show after that, so we decided to sneak in without paying. What we least expected was that there were seat allocation for Wolverine, wtffff seriously, that rarely happens here I think. So we were happily sitting there smirking and thinking that we were so damnright smart, but not before long, some retard came and told us that we were sitting at their seats. Paisay ttm please, we were like "Eh we're here cos some other people took our seats too, but we've thrown our tickets away." It was bloody hell full house some more, like the huge cine theatre you know.
Shit it, hopefully nobody recognized us.
And, I found a very good laksa shop!!
Plus, I remember Tianyu poured water down my back when I was sloshed, I remember okay you shit.
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