A smashing week just wheezed by, the emptiness that I'm feeling is so very profound now. I hate it whenever she leaves :( Nonetheless, we had sososo much fun together. The first night saw us hitting Academy. Ohemgee doomch doomch doomch, party party party! Hell of a night, slut dancing so very sexaye huh :) For two nights after that, Max, Joy and Don came to my place and we drank like nobody's business, penalty from Indian Poker. My neighbour Sam joined us too :) Too much excitement killed us, nearly.
Okay back to hit the books, sucks to be here, really :(
I want to go back home.
I can't believe I'm feeling what I'm feeling now. Seriously, who doesn't love to be loved? I'm just disappointed I guess. I wish he could know what I'm feeling now, cos I really, am, feeling quite shitty. I wanna scream in his face that I do too, but alas, Courage has abandoned me.
Stupid Yuwen, seriously. He didnt say anything to you at all.
Stupid Yuwen, seriously. He didnt say anything to you at all.

And honeys, I really miss clubbing with you all :(
It's free fall and so raw all over again. I hate it whenever this feeling comes back to haunt me, pushes me into the depths of depression, so tedious to climb back up, so tedious. Sometimes I really wonder if coming here has ever been the right decision, 'cos there's only one goal and I must score it. I can't do this alone, need some strength from somewhere somehow. Hello Lord, save me.
And Happy Bday LQ :)
I've got absolutely nothing to do for 2 weeks starting now, zsxohemgee. Hopefully I get a job downstairs at the Daily Market though, hopefully. I hate thinking of the prospect of having to study during the holidays, what a spoilsport please. But with Cindy gone for Singapore by Thursday and Max already gone for Gold Coast, I'm pretty much screwed, and lonely :( Max asked initially if I wanted to go to GC with them, but no money! Aaron's leaving for GC this Thursday too and he gave me the invitation as well, omg soverytempting SHOULD I GO?
Okay whatever Yuwen, you have no money so just shut up.
We were supposed to play mj till morning last night, but Cindy and I waved the white flag at 3. We were supposed to be at Aaron's house by now but ah, I'm feeling really lazy already :( The only happy thing to look forward to is swimming at Mervyn's place later, whoopiedoop!
Okay whatever Yuwen, you have no money so just shut up.
We were supposed to play mj till morning last night, but Cindy and I waved the white flag at 3. We were supposed to be at Aaron's house by now but ah, I'm feeling really lazy already :( The only happy thing to look forward to is swimming at Mervyn's place later, whoopiedoop!
The company was really good, thankgod for Cindy my chilloutsistar, else I'd have been depressed to death. Anw we drove up to Sydney, Kenneth was the love, being our chauffeur for the entire four days teehee :) THE SHOPPING WAS SO EXCELLENT ZXOMGAWD PADDY'S AND GEORGE STREET MADE US SO HAPPY GALXZX.
Then to the Nelson and Anna Bay beaches where we did Sand Gliding (or sth like that, you know those kind where you sit on boards and slide down sand dunes meehee) and to Bondi Beach where we tanned our day away. A pity we didnt take many photos at Bondi, it was so bee eu tee foo, lying away on the soft miniscule sand grains under that extensive sky has never felt so good before :) Sentosa sucksxzxzxz
I didn't get my watch in the end, the boutique didnt carry it and I had to get it at DFS but time was tight, so fuck it :(
Considering the amount of food I've been stuffing myself with ever since the we-must-stay-up-till-the-dawn-breaks-when-we-study syndrome sank in, it seriously justifies no means or ends. I'm just getting fat and that's that. No matter what anyone says, I know I'm putting on massive lard load. So be kind and just tell me in my face that I've grown biggeeeer, I need the hard fact :(
Okay, time to hit the gym soon.
On another note, exams end on Thursday and we'll be heading down to Sydney on Friday morning! Vroomvroom Sydney, here we come :) I wonder how Cindy and I are gonna survive the trip there, seriously. Partying the night before's just gonna make us seriously car ill. We've made plans to take a window each and we hang our heads in preparation for mega Puke Fest while Kenneth drives. Good Lord.
And, Finance paper today was okaaaay, considering the fact that I only mugged one day for it cos I remembered the wrong examination date zzz, claps to me. Math1115 tomorrow, the tough job. I'll need more luck than I've ever considered myself getting. ZAC ZAC ZAC time to sleep gooooodnight fellows.
YJ's going back to Singapore on Thursday, I'm gonna miss her. Actually fuck it, I already do. Why can't I go back zzz. Hope you have loads of fun being back there honey, give me a number that I can contact you with, I'll still need you wherever you go. Let's chiong school in the mean time! Loveyousistarsistar
Okay, time to hit the gym soon.
On another note, exams end on Thursday and we'll be heading down to Sydney on Friday morning! Vroomvroom Sydney, here we come :) I wonder how Cindy and I are gonna survive the trip there, seriously. Partying the night before's just gonna make us seriously car ill. We've made plans to take a window each and we hang our heads in preparation for mega Puke Fest while Kenneth drives. Good Lord.
And, Finance paper today was okaaaay, considering the fact that I only mugged one day for it cos I remembered the wrong examination date zzz, claps to me. Math1115 tomorrow, the tough job. I'll need more luck than I've ever considered myself getting. ZAC ZAC ZAC time to sleep gooooodnight fellows.
YJ's going back to Singapore on Thursday, I'm gonna miss her. Actually fuck it, I already do. Why can't I go back zzz. Hope you have loads of fun being back there honey, give me a number that I can contact you with, I'll still need you wherever you go. Let's chiong school in the mean time! Loveyousistarsistar
I miss my parents fucking a lot. Truth to be told, I was never really close to my parents through my teens, not until when I had too much time to waste after A's that I actually took the effort to spend mornings having breakfast with them even if it meant that I was to get out of bed at 7. But I know they'd never given up on me even through all the disappointments that I made them go through. Inside me though, I've always loved them more than anything else. I do everything to my utmost best cos I want to make them feel proud to have a child like me. Everything that I do and have done, I do it for them. They give up so much for me and my brother, that I must repay them. All my life I've screamed and shouted in their faces, never understanding what they were going through in life. Behind all that strong facade, I know they're weak within too. We all are. I really miss the two oldies fucking a lot.
The chinese songs are on shuffle and they sound too good when I'm studying :) NYJ's over for the weekend, which only makes me the happiest (and fattest) girl in town. We haven't stopped eating ever since she's been here fingers up I swear. Maggiemee fried rice maggiemee maggiemee ohemgeeeeeeee LOAD THE FATS TTMzxzzxz someone give me free lipo please, I really need desperately thankxxxx
I think I'm troubled, somehow. How? Just fuck it.
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