Since blogger's templates suck, I've attempted to shift :) May be back here in no time though, since this space's been my ranting arena since forever. Holds my many memories as well :) Ohwell, may just keep it for memory's sake I guess. Okay, here goes,
MATH1115 tomorrow, wataaaah, I need all the luck in the world! It's the most wonderful module anyone can take you know. I'm so scared I can pee in my panties now, i is not lying. But after that, it's f-r-e-e-d-o-m! Partypartyparty tomorrow chopchop swear! All the best for your mgmt paper tmr too my dear :)

I've been so utterly bored to death, just attempting to keep my brains alive, so pardon me. This is my latest and best record wahwootsssss. Click on the link below if you're equally bored and loserish too, join ma club faggots.
XOXO or you might wanna try (not exactly for the faint-hearted though). All the best for both!
I just bought my new loaf of bread and new carton of milk!! Okay you've got to understand, that's my week supply of food, I've obviously got to be elated about it :)
In response to the above, I feel so juvenile.
Urgh having Stats tmr, I just wanna get it over and be done with. Joy's friend lent me his notes and cheatsheet, so basically I've just got to read and know what's where on the cheatsheet teehehe, makes things so much easier for me.
Oh, and my toes have officially defrosted :D It's 14deg today and it feels warm already. Ohemgee, I'm gonna melt in Singapore please. Dear Friends, please scoop me up whenever that happens, thanks much.
In response to the above, I feel so juvenile.
Urgh having Stats tmr, I just wanna get it over and be done with. Joy's friend lent me his notes and cheatsheet, so basically I've just got to read and know what's where on the cheatsheet teehehe, makes things so much easier for me.
Oh, and my toes have officially defrosted :D It's 14deg today and it feels warm already. Ohemgee, I'm gonna melt in Singapore please. Dear Friends, please scoop me up whenever that happens, thanks much.
It's Five Fifteen. I'm tired, my eyelids heavy, my fingers not as swiftly light while typing this, my being's weary, but I cant bring myself to sleep. Now and then, I remember how happy I am, how I find joy from the people around me. Why isn't it the same for you? You should too. Life's all bright and cheery, everything around you justifies it. Maybe try looking beyond yourself for a start, be more sensitive to the people around you. I understand that you've got your issues, but hey buddy, dont get too excessive or obsessive over them, give yourself a break.
Useless Havaianas should be chucked aside till Singapore comes la! And someone from the hostel wanted to file share but I disallowed the command hahahaha, boos to you, must pay money! And at the rate I'm blogging, I should just join the bird community and get twitter or something zz, you think?
I'm still craving for wantonmee..
I'm still craving for wantonmee..
Okay Cindy told me to soak my toes in hot water, so that's what I'm doing now zz. They claim it's frosssssstbite. Like omg, I got frostbite. Damn lame. If it doesnt get any better by tonight, her friend's gonna send me to the hospital tmr, which my mom said I could spend the weekend in hahaha, Mommy you think hospital's a chalet ah! So I'm diligently soaking my feet in hot water now, I want no hospitaaaaal. Idk why, I'm craving for wantonmee now. Must be the hot water my feet's in, my feet looks like wantonssss
NG, who are you? But yeah, thanks ah :)
NG, who are you? But yeah, thanks ah :)
-2 degrees, wahpiangeh.
And I was seriously shaking damn badly during Econs today. I should activate my personal heater, like lug it to the exam hall. ANU so giam with the heater, buay tahan.
My toes are in intense pain now, it's seriously scaring me. It's been like that for days, just that it's especially painful tonight, all ten of them. It totally feels like they're gonna fall off anytime soon. Before that, it was horribly itchy and slightly swollen. Now it's just switching between numb and pain, but mostly pain. Is it cos of the cold? I dont know what to do, it's so painful I could tear, the hurt is sososo intense I swear. What do I do ohno..
And I was seriously shaking damn badly during Econs today. I should activate my personal heater, like lug it to the exam hall. ANU so giam with the heater, buay tahan.
My toes are in intense pain now, it's seriously scaring me. It's been like that for days, just that it's especially painful tonight, all ten of them. It totally feels like they're gonna fall off anytime soon. Before that, it was horribly itchy and slightly swollen. Now it's just switching between numb and pain, but mostly pain. Is it cos of the cold? I dont know what to do, it's so painful I could tear, the hurt is sososo intense I swear. What do I do ohno..
My life's been awesomely dull these dayssss..
(Awesome cos time alone can never be more fulfilling, me thinks.)
WHOOHOOOOOOO mugmugmug is zzz, I cannot concentrate at all I swear. Plus I've been living on bread alone these days, wahlauxz I miss eating meat. I secretly wish someone would throw Chicken Gourmet's Devil Wings into my window nownownow. CHICKEN GOURMETTTTTTT. Seriously you know it has the best chicken wings anyone can get their hands on, 235134613 times better than KFC or Nando's!! I'm gonna dabao so many on the plane back home, for my own pleasure :) Sorry, none for all of you teeeeeehehehehehehe.
Bribe me if you want a piece of it. Maybe if I'm happy enough I'll grant you any chicken hair I find on it.
(Awesome cos time alone can never be more fulfilling, me thinks.)
WHOOHOOOOOOO mugmugmug is zzz, I cannot concentrate at all I swear. Plus I've been living on bread alone these days, wahlauxz I miss eating meat. I secretly wish someone would throw Chicken Gourmet's Devil Wings into my window nownownow. CHICKEN GOURMETTTTTTT. Seriously you know it has the best chicken wings anyone can get their hands on, 235134613 times better than KFC or Nando's!! I'm gonna dabao so many on the plane back home, for my own pleasure :) Sorry, none for all of you teeeeeehehehehehehe.
Bribe me if you want a piece of it. Maybe if I'm happy enough I'll grant you any chicken hair I find on it.
Current: Mostly Cloudy
Wind: SW at 11 km/h
Humidity: 63%
Tue 33° 27°
Wed 32° 26°
Thu 34° 26°
Fri 32° 26°
Current: Mostly Cloudy
Wind: NW at 27 km/h
Humidity: 87%
Tue 9° 2°
Wed 7° -1°
Thu 10° -2°
Fri 13° -1°
And omg Thursday marks my first paper which is Econssss, BUT TELL ME HOW TO WRITE AT GODSPEED WHEN IT'S GONNA BE -2 DEGREES? And it's like cold x 23423462345 outside now, I even have to control my urge to pee cos it's such a chore just to walk across the freezing living room, it's like trudging across North Pole seriously. The wind's so strong, the trees outside are swaying so badly, it's like Hurricane Katrina going dingdong, open the door I'm here to visit you! That's how scarily cold it is. Plus point is that I havent left unilodge in 3 days now, imagine all that moolah that I've saved! Claps to you, Yuwen :)
P.S Good luck with the sun you Singaporeans! I know you all are dying from the heat hahahaha, have fuuuuunnnn :)
Current: Mostly Cloudy
Wind: SW at 11 km/h
Humidity: 63%
Tue 33° 27°
Wed 32° 26°
Thu 34° 26°
Fri 32° 26°
Current: Mostly Cloudy
Wind: NW at 27 km/h
Humidity: 87%
Tue 9° 2°
Wed 7° -1°
Thu 10° -2°
Fri 13° -1°
And omg Thursday marks my first paper which is Econssss, BUT TELL ME HOW TO WRITE AT GODSPEED WHEN IT'S GONNA BE -2 DEGREES? And it's like cold x 23423462345 outside now, I even have to control my urge to pee cos it's such a chore just to walk across the freezing living room, it's like trudging across North Pole seriously. The wind's so strong, the trees outside are swaying so badly, it's like Hurricane Katrina going dingdong, open the door I'm here to visit you! That's how scarily cold it is. Plus point is that I havent left unilodge in 3 days now, imagine all that moolah that I've saved! Claps to you, Yuwen :)
P.S Good luck with the sun you Singaporeans! I know you all are dying from the heat hahahaha, have fuuuuunnnn :)
[00:08] YUWEN:
trying to control yourself from wanking right must be
[00:08] YUWEN:
[00:08] GCx - 2 more weeks to freedom!!!:
why must i control when millions of sperms will reproduce each day
[00:08] GCx - 2 more weeks to freedom!!!:
i dun wan to be a billionaire la
[00:13] YUWEN:
shut up and get lost
[00:14] GCx - 2 more weeks to freedom!!!:
always so rude
[00:14] YUWEN:
how many times do you want me to say bye to you?
[00:14] GCx - 2 more weeks to freedom!!!:
[00:14] System Message:GCx - 2 more weeks to freedom!!! is offline
trying to control yourself from wanking right must be
[00:08] YUWEN:
[00:08] GCx - 2 more weeks to freedom!!!:
why must i control when millions of sperms will reproduce each day
[00:08] GCx - 2 more weeks to freedom!!!:
i dun wan to be a billionaire la
[00:13] YUWEN:
shut up and get lost
[00:14] GCx - 2 more weeks to freedom!!!:
always so rude
[00:14] YUWEN:
how many times do you want me to say bye to you?
[00:14] GCx - 2 more weeks to freedom!!!:
[00:14] System Message:GCx - 2 more weeks to freedom!!! is offline
I swear I could almost die last night. Somehow there was this constant clicking sound at my door the entire night, it's like something's pushing the door but it cant be opened, and it seriously scared the hell out of me. Why? Cos I conjured this image of a girl at my door (no thanks to the email that nyj fwded me about this girl who died a really tragic death, and that she'll haunt me if i did not forward the mail. But no worries, I've already forwarded the mail to Mervyn), and I even dreamt of her?! Yes you got me, I dreamt that my door was finally opened and the girl was at the door staring down at me. I remember there was once I even woke up to find myself sitting on my bed, like just sitting there but I swear I was asleep. Oh and another dream was that I woke up in someone else's room, like this indian guy's room. He banged the door down and said that he's been locked out for an hour, and he was freaking out cos he woke up in my room, HAHA. And he saw the girl too -.- Kudos to nyj, you got my soul drifting away.
I cant help but feel that I'm being watched too idk why, it's seriously scaring meeeeeeeee. Maybe I've been having too many late nights recently and I'm thinking too much, ohwells.
I cant help but feel that I'm being watched too idk why, it's seriously scaring meeeeeeeee. Maybe I've been having too many late nights recently and I'm thinking too much, ohwells.
The cold is so bad, I'm still defrosting my soles after a full hour. Not forgetting the half hour I spent standing under a full blast heated shower. FML, seriously, I cant even feel anything that I'm stepping on anymore!
P.S Anyone who wants to assassinate me by littering glass splinters on the ground better act fast.
P.S Anyone who wants to assassinate me by littering glass splinters on the ground better act fast.
I feel that I should address the issue of my breakup with N since it's a rather confusing but simple issue. Yeah, he initiated the breakup but no, it was mutual. In fact, I think I wanted the breakup more than he did. Simply put, I'm not ready to be in a relationship (the last one dealt a huge blow on me, and now I'm afraid of commitments, call me a Pussy), and coupled with the fact that I think we're not compatible (he thinks so too), I felt that it was utterly selfish of me to be tgt with him still. But I mean, I'm prolly thinking too much into matters that are superficially dire, but I think I know myself well enough to know that we'll prolly not work out. I may be too selfish or critical, but if this is the kind of start I can give him, seriously I cannot imagine just how much effort I would put in for this r/s in the future. I know N knows that too. There're many issues that I'm trying to come to terms with myself, and until I'm more or less feeling settled and ready for another r/s, I'll not jump into another one just like I did. I was in the wrong, and I know I cannot simply right the wrong with any form of justifications. It's just me I guess, I cant even read myself sometimes. I really wish our friendship will last though, N really makes a good companion. Till then, my books are beckoning me.
(Revision's more dire now, and I swear I feel so damn unprepared zzz. I dont know how many times I've said this already but still, I CANT WAIT TO BE BACK IN SG. If there's only one kind of loving I can ever find in this world, it'll be my friends and family back there, and nothing else.)
(Revision's more dire now, and I swear I feel so damn unprepared zzz. I dont know how many times I've said this already but still, I CANT WAIT TO BE BACK IN SG. If there's only one kind of loving I can ever find in this world, it'll be my friends and family back there, and nothing else.)
I've got a rather sad life, and nothing's gonna help, like seriously.
Nobody understands, it's scariest when my mind's a dead town.
What to do, I've chosen to walk this path alone.
May the monsters of the world leave me alone in peace,
I need some peace.
I'm going to fail my exams, ohno.
Retail therapy come my way please.
Mommy I want lots of money, wont you grant me heaps of cash?
Nobody understands, it's scariest when my mind's a dead town.
What to do, I've chosen to walk this path alone.
May the monsters of the world leave me alone in peace,
I need some peace.
I'm going to fail my exams, ohno.
Retail therapy come my way please.
Mommy I want lots of money, wont you grant me heaps of cash?

Mervyn on Friday aftn: Let's go for dinner tgt, ask Kenneth along
Mervyn first minutes later: Let's go Sydney for dinner! We chiong there and chiong back, Veron and Hesheng coming along too.
Me: Wtf?
(And fyi, Sydney's 3h away from C.)
So Friday night saw us leaving Canberra for Batesman Bay for Seafood dinner, like wtf seriously? Hahaha, how random but damn fun chop stamp swear. One and a half hours drive down was sleep inducing but the excitement was not waning at all. Upon reaching, we had a mega huge ass seafood banquet consisting of lobsters, scallops, huge ass prawns, clams and whatnot,
The seafood was so fresh, I swear I could feel them swimming in my huge ass tummy. The restaurant owner was hilarious too, he couldnt stop hugging me and telling me that age is not important (he's 60 excuse me!). HAHA. He was really cordial though, he even treated us to a bottle of reds.
So as late as the night seemed, we trudged on to Wollongong which took another 2.5 hours. Sydney was slightly further away so we gave the idea up zzz, where's the spirit homies!? But ah, sleep inducing again esp after the huge ass dinner haha. Spent the night at Novotel there, cosy, lovely.
The morning saw us spending some time at the beachside feeding some good old bread to birds and some even huge ass birds (I cant remember what they're called, dont shoot me), but yeah, those really huge kinds you see in Jurong Bird Park with huge beaks and fat asses. Pictures up soon I hope, gotta wash the film of my Vivitar and scan them! So very exciting :D But yeah, breakfast and all, and a walk down the beach again. I've got this huge ass cut from falling on the rocks, suckerzxzx.
Shhhooooopppinnnnnnggg later on at Wollongong's Crown Street Mall omgomgomg, so much better than C's malls I swear! Hello Canberra Centre, you can seriously just go spontaneous combust yourself and seriously it wont make a difference here, even AMK Hub's more happening than you, suck balls.
Anw end story was I'm really tired and I didnt study at all, balls. Got my Math assignment to rush and Stats quiz which I'm still in the midst of doing zzzxzxzxzzzz, me is leading a terribly sad life. I want to go homeeeeeeeeeeee
ROADTRIP FTW. Oh and the roads in the mountains were really scary (think Initial D/Fast and Furious). There were no street lamps at all all the way (we were on the mountains most of the time) and those little towns really scream monsters and murderers, I swear at some point in time, I could visualize some huge ass furry ball charging to the car with a sawknife in hand. We even made it up to two mountain tops and we were breathing in clouds.
Okay whatever, we're safe, that's good. Balls to the small town murderers.
Mervyn first minutes later: Let's go Sydney for dinner! We chiong there and chiong back, Veron and Hesheng coming along too.
Me: Wtf?
(And fyi, Sydney's 3h away from C.)
So Friday night saw us leaving Canberra for Batesman Bay for Seafood dinner, like wtf seriously? Hahaha, how random but damn fun chop stamp swear. One and a half hours drive down was sleep inducing but the excitement was not waning at all. Upon reaching, we had a mega huge ass seafood banquet consisting of lobsters, scallops, huge ass prawns, clams and whatnot,
The seafood was so fresh, I swear I could feel them swimming in my huge ass tummy. The restaurant owner was hilarious too, he couldnt stop hugging me and telling me that age is not important (he's 60 excuse me!). HAHA. He was really cordial though, he even treated us to a bottle of reds.
So as late as the night seemed, we trudged on to Wollongong which took another 2.5 hours. Sydney was slightly further away so we gave the idea up zzz, where's the spirit homies!? But ah, sleep inducing again esp after the huge ass dinner haha. Spent the night at Novotel there, cosy, lovely.
The morning saw us spending some time at the beachside feeding some good old bread to birds and some even huge ass birds (I cant remember what they're called, dont shoot me), but yeah, those really huge kinds you see in Jurong Bird Park with huge beaks and fat asses. Pictures up soon I hope, gotta wash the film of my Vivitar and scan them! So very exciting :D But yeah, breakfast and all, and a walk down the beach again. I've got this huge ass cut from falling on the rocks, suckerzxzx.
Shhhooooopppinnnnnnggg later on at Wollongong's Crown Street Mall omgomgomg, so much better than C's malls I swear! Hello Canberra Centre, you can seriously just go spontaneous combust yourself and seriously it wont make a difference here, even AMK Hub's more happening than you, suck balls.
Anw end story was I'm really tired and I didnt study at all, balls. Got my Math assignment to rush and Stats quiz which I'm still in the midst of doing zzzxzxzxzzzz, me is leading a terribly sad life. I want to go homeeeeeeeeeeee
ROADTRIP FTW. Oh and the roads in the mountains were really scary (think Initial D/Fast and Furious). There were no street lamps at all all the way (we were on the mountains most of the time) and those little towns really scream monsters and murderers, I swear at some point in time, I could visualize some huge ass furry ball charging to the car with a sawknife in hand. We even made it up to two mountain tops and we were breathing in clouds.
Okay whatever, we're safe, that's good. Balls to the small town murderers.
I'm ohsoverybroke now! Ohemgee, it's gonna be Indomee Fest till the day I receive money again :( Pat's going to visit YJ again today, aiyoh mates, money fall from the sky for you two is it. Hahaha but I dont care, YJ you're so coming down again! For me ah for me, not your BFF, cos I swear my jealousy o-meter's gonna bust.
Diet ftw! And, L4D's very tempting but no way shit, studystudystudy FYW. And, must start to run big time already, I can foresee myself turning into Shrek soon.
Diet ftw! And, L4D's very tempting but no way shit, studystudystudy FYW. And, must start to run big time already, I can foresee myself turning into Shrek soon.
The Nanking Massacre issues' so annoying. Seriously Japan should just acknowledge it and teach their people to learn from history's mistakes, dont make the descendants battle out over such ignorance and just look at that dissent that's evergrowing seriously. Grow out of that kidssss, grow out of that denial.
And, I'm sosososo broke. Mommy, send moneeeeey to me quick :( And Happy Mother's Day! I've got a card for you you know! But I haven't had the time to send it out hahaha.
And yes S, very Happy Birthday, love you so :)
And, I'm sosososo broke. Mommy, send moneeeeey to me quick :( And Happy Mother's Day! I've got a card for you you know! But I haven't had the time to send it out hahaha.
And yes S, very Happy Birthday, love you so :)
Just caught House Bunny with Max, really freak show I love it so much. Was watching Deja Vu just the other day and some other shows on my own through the night. Max's ext harddrive's really evil.
And, Jolene Koh finally picked up my call just now!! But sorry missy, my talk time ran out so the line got cut zz. Will call you again :) And hello Yolanda Chin, I'm not sure if you're gonna read this but I really do miss you and Janice a lot. Please study hard for your exams and we'll skype soon enough okay :)
Alright, it's 237am and I haven't bathed. Gonna studyyyyy alright I'm so gross I know, so what I'm a rockstar. I CANT WAIT TO MEET MY DEAREST BFF. And that being said, I'm gonna miss some souls back here in C when I'm gone :(
And, Jolene Koh finally picked up my call just now!! But sorry missy, my talk time ran out so the line got cut zz. Will call you again :) And hello Yolanda Chin, I'm not sure if you're gonna read this but I really do miss you and Janice a lot. Please study hard for your exams and we'll skype soon enough okay :)
Alright, it's 237am and I haven't bathed. Gonna studyyyyy alright I'm so gross I know, so what I'm a rockstar. I CANT WAIT TO MEET MY DEAREST BFF. And that being said, I'm gonna miss some souls back here in C when I'm gone :(
Macs brekkie this morning totally made up for all that booze that made me gag last night (or rather this super-morning). Aaron's birthday surprise was well, a great one I must say. Happy Birthday fellow :) Wine, Vodka, Black Label and more wine just killed me in the stomach. Played some hilarious card game that just got us into drinking, drinking and more drinking action. Things like, "..okay now we're going to speak chinese throughout..", or "..nobody's supposed to say any pronouns..", or "..nobody says any vulgarities.." or "..we must say lj before we start saying anything..". So yeah, whoever breaks the rules drink up. I was the first to die out (as very expected), while the rest were still well must I say, standing strong, hahaha, damn it. Charles and Aaron got the toilet cards, but they fucking selfishly peed in the front yard instead so that we wouldnt get to pee in the toilet, very assholes those fellows. The whole night was a joke la please.
Worse was what happened before that. Max and I went to catch The Boy in Striped Pyjamas and Wolverine was to show after that, so we decided to sneak in without paying. What we least expected was that there were seat allocation for Wolverine, wtffff seriously, that rarely happens here I think. So we were happily sitting there smirking and thinking that we were so damnright smart, but not before long, some retard came and told us that we were sitting at their seats. Paisay ttm please, we were like "Eh we're here cos some other people took our seats too, but we've thrown our tickets away." It was bloody hell full house some more, like the huge cine theatre you know.
Shit it, hopefully nobody recognized us.
And, I found a very good laksa shop!!
Plus, I remember Tianyu poured water down my back when I was sloshed, I remember okay you shit.
Worse was what happened before that. Max and I went to catch The Boy in Striped Pyjamas and Wolverine was to show after that, so we decided to sneak in without paying. What we least expected was that there were seat allocation for Wolverine, wtffff seriously, that rarely happens here I think. So we were happily sitting there smirking and thinking that we were so damnright smart, but not before long, some retard came and told us that we were sitting at their seats. Paisay ttm please, we were like "Eh we're here cos some other people took our seats too, but we've thrown our tickets away." It was bloody hell full house some more, like the huge cine theatre you know.
Shit it, hopefully nobody recognized us.
And, I found a very good laksa shop!!
Plus, I remember Tianyu poured water down my back when I was sloshed, I remember okay you shit.
A smashing week just wheezed by, the emptiness that I'm feeling is so very profound now. I hate it whenever she leaves :( Nonetheless, we had sososo much fun together. The first night saw us hitting Academy. Ohemgee doomch doomch doomch, party party party! Hell of a night, slut dancing so very sexaye huh :) For two nights after that, Max, Joy and Don came to my place and we drank like nobody's business, penalty from Indian Poker. My neighbour Sam joined us too :) Too much excitement killed us, nearly.
Okay back to hit the books, sucks to be here, really :(
I want to go back home.
Okay back to hit the books, sucks to be here, really :(
I want to go back home.
I can't believe I'm feeling what I'm feeling now. Seriously, who doesn't love to be loved? I'm just disappointed I guess. I wish he could know what I'm feeling now, cos I really, am, feeling quite shitty. I wanna scream in his face that I do too, but alas, Courage has abandoned me.
Stupid Yuwen, seriously. He didnt say anything to you at all.
Stupid Yuwen, seriously. He didnt say anything to you at all.

And honeys, I really miss clubbing with you all :(
It's free fall and so raw all over again. I hate it whenever this feeling comes back to haunt me, pushes me into the depths of depression, so tedious to climb back up, so tedious. Sometimes I really wonder if coming here has ever been the right decision, 'cos there's only one goal and I must score it. I can't do this alone, need some strength from somewhere somehow. Hello Lord, save me.
And Happy Bday LQ :)
I've got absolutely nothing to do for 2 weeks starting now, zsxohemgee. Hopefully I get a job downstairs at the Daily Market though, hopefully. I hate thinking of the prospect of having to study during the holidays, what a spoilsport please. But with Cindy gone for Singapore by Thursday and Max already gone for Gold Coast, I'm pretty much screwed, and lonely :( Max asked initially if I wanted to go to GC with them, but no money! Aaron's leaving for GC this Thursday too and he gave me the invitation as well, omg soverytempting SHOULD I GO?
Okay whatever Yuwen, you have no money so just shut up.
We were supposed to play mj till morning last night, but Cindy and I waved the white flag at 3. We were supposed to be at Aaron's house by now but ah, I'm feeling really lazy already :( The only happy thing to look forward to is swimming at Mervyn's place later, whoopiedoop!
Okay whatever Yuwen, you have no money so just shut up.
We were supposed to play mj till morning last night, but Cindy and I waved the white flag at 3. We were supposed to be at Aaron's house by now but ah, I'm feeling really lazy already :( The only happy thing to look forward to is swimming at Mervyn's place later, whoopiedoop!
The company was really good, thankgod for Cindy my chilloutsistar, else I'd have been depressed to death. Anw we drove up to Sydney, Kenneth was the love, being our chauffeur for the entire four days teehee :) THE SHOPPING WAS SO EXCELLENT ZXOMGAWD PADDY'S AND GEORGE STREET MADE US SO HAPPY GALXZX.
Then to the Nelson and Anna Bay beaches where we did Sand Gliding (or sth like that, you know those kind where you sit on boards and slide down sand dunes meehee) and to Bondi Beach where we tanned our day away. A pity we didnt take many photos at Bondi, it was so bee eu tee foo, lying away on the soft miniscule sand grains under that extensive sky has never felt so good before :) Sentosa sucksxzxzxz
I didn't get my watch in the end, the boutique didnt carry it and I had to get it at DFS but time was tight, so fuck it :(
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