
STUDYCAMP at Wensheu's last week was pretty conducive &effective I must say! It's been study eat study study eat ( + eat &eat) everyday &ohman HIS AUNT COOKS THE BEST FOOD :D WS's such a lucky shit. Grace was such a great partner I tell you, she stole the blanket for the first night (&the bolster too), so pity me pwease, I almost died from frostbites. Travelling to school was such a chore la, walking &busing &more walking killed me. Harbourfront's not that near afterall. That made me love my Daddy so much more, my slave driver. HAHAH that's what he calls himself btw.

I've tried so hard to move on,
but alas, memories of you have said,
"No Yuwen, you shall not."

Hello Chimp, I miss you.


I think they're going to pull the plug on my gramp today.
I don't want him to go,
I really don't.

I want him back in his house, I want him back in his armchair, I want to see him smile &ask me why haven't I called him, of which as always, I'd have said that my phone was screwed.
I still keep that little red pencil case he'd bought me when I was 5,
I still keep his smile in my heart,
&it's gonna stay there forever.


There's this someone,
whom makes me smile, ever so sheepishly.

Something is getting very wrong with me.
I need some Happypills to get my mind on the right track, yo.
Must be the Bloody A's.


SO, things have been like shit. Seriously, all that I've been doing for pre-A's is TV, biology, math, chemisty, TV, AND MORE TV. Thank God (think sarcastic) for Diana whom I met today. She totally laughed at how our papers (especially math) were so bloody hell chicken feet, that even a certain --JC's paper owned ours. BUT HELLO MISSY, before you start telling me what's so lousy about SA (which I know is substandard but you don't have to remind me) and great about --JC, so what, they might not be smart enough to get that A yo.

Truth hurts, alright.
By the way, I've got friends way smart.