wonderful how my mom gives in to
everything that I do now, it's as if I own the world: and that's exactly how I feel now! Haha, so..free of books, and restrictions! :D
What was really fun was that, right after the last (chemistry) paper, everyone just
screamed in the hall okay! It was really a sight to behold. The once sunken faces and heavy souls -- liberated instantly. ((: haha L, J, Jessica and I were just totally
HIGHHH. It was screaming, high pitched squeals and some
more screamings. wheeeeee..
Right, and I spent the whole of the last exam day doing what mom-would-have-killed-me-on-a-normal-day stuffs HAHA. It's like, after the exams, Lynette came over to my house so that I could change, and and SHE TRIED TO STRIKE A CONVERSATION WITH MY GRANNY. God was it hilarious! She was..trying so hard. But hey! She was
quite good (: Hah yes and we went over to town. TOWN. But, it was such a wasted trip please! NO MORE TICKETS FOR EM ROSE! We were so damn disappointed, damn. Not forgetting that it was nearly ten at night, phbt
Uh ya and so lyn left, leaving jolene and I. Wait, I'm bored of writing out everything in detail.
(i) J and I ended up in J8
(ii) bought the midnight slot of Happy Potty
(iii) show ended at 330+ (!)
(iv) walked home, walked! Damn the buses
(v) the road was practically empty, devoid of life man
(vi) reached home at 415 (?)
(v) watched the dvd of Stairway to Heaven! :D
(vi) watched the (ugly) sunrise with..eric? haha he was still awake too! (:
(vii) finally couldnt stand it anymore, and slept at 7am
There, this is what I call, a person with life!!
Yuwen is back man, gone is the nerd! I am so not gonna be tied down by books anymore, not till the A's haha :D